Cellular Shades Cool Your Home & Block the Heat

When it’s hot outside and the suns beating down in the summer, nothing feels as good as walking into a nice cool room. As temperatures rise across the country, we start to hear from our customers more frequently looking for a new window treatment solution.

A lot of these customers are either renting a new apartment or have just moved into a new home. They all really like their skylights and windows, but they don’t realize that they can have a “greenhouse” effect on their home. Glass windows let the heat enter in while not allowing it to escape.

We Have a Solution, Our Cellular Shades!

Our Symphony cellular and honeycomb shades can help reduce solar gain inside your home. In certain instances, our shades can nearly eliminate it.

We have numerous standard and skylight shades that are available in numerous fabric types. These fabrics are light filtering and blackout fabrics. Both are white to the outside world, meaning they do not attract heat. On the inside of your home, you can pick nearly any color.

Our blackout fabrics work so well when it comes to cooling, homes check out the photo below. The example is of a top down bottom up blackout shade, on the right it’s completely up, keeping the room nice and cool.

Add Sidetracks to Keep Your Home Even Cooler & Block Out More Light

When you purchase shades, there’s often a small gap between the end of the shade in the window. To keep your room even cooler, consider adding sidetracks to further eliminate solar gain.

If you add sidetracks to your window treatment, it will do the following things:

  • Reduce even more heat from entering the room.
  • Block additional light when it’s paired with blackout fabrics.
  • Helps increase its overall efficiency by covering extra gaps.